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My stats shoppe!Come get your ults or legs!

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    My stats shoppe!Come get your ults or legs!

    Welcome to my stat shoppe, pick whatever you want

    Swordfighting-doing it baws style VERY FAST, no alt bashing(unless you really want to)

    resp/master-free(only requires u to vouch for me ) (0)

    renowned- 1$ or 20k (0)
    grand-master-2$ or 35k (0)
    legendary 3$ or 55k (1)
    ultimate 5$ or 90k (2)

    Novice-neophyte-normal price
    Apprentice-Broad 1$/20k+
    Solid-Weighty 3$/55k+
    Expert 5$/90k+

    Shit you need:
    Scimitar or falchion, not using any other sword.Parlor badge(unless free SF day and you wanna wait along time )1k-5k to wager(optional)
    Unless youre doing alt bashing then you dont need anything :P

    Rumble and Drinking -alt ownage

    Owning alts, will use 2 computers.Will be uberquick if you have low experience.

    Resp/master-free(vouches plox)

    Renowned- 0,5$ or 10k
    Grand-Master 1$ or 20k
    Legendary 1,5$ or 28k
    Ultimate 3,5$ or 65k (1)

    Novice-neophyte-normal price
    Apprentice-Broad 1$/20k+
    Solid-Weighty 3$/55k+
    Expert 5$/100k+

    Carpenting-IO hyperranking

    resp/master-free(VOUCH for me!I like to puzzle!) (0)

    Renowned - 2$ or 40k (0)
    Grand-Master- 3$ or 55k (0)
    Legendary- 5,5$ or 100k (0)
    Ultimate- 9$ or 185k (0)

    Narrow-Broad- 1$/20k+
    solid- weighty 2$/40k+
    Expert 4$/75k+

    I could think of doing it with the navy or swabbie but then the price will be higher(discuss price in skype)

    Shit you need:
    Pro hammer, sparkly box, grand frigate nah just joking you need a sloop, fleet officer in a crew, IO map
    or pay 5k extra and ill use my own ship and account and just job ur alt and work on it


    Resp/master- free(vouch for meh!) (0)

    Renowned- 1$ or 20k (0)
    Grand-Master- 2,5 $ or 45k (0)
    Legendary- 3 $ or 60k (0)
    Ultimate 5$ or 100k (0)

    Novice-Narrow normal
    broad-solid 1$/20k+
    weighty 2$/40k+
    Expert 4$/70k+

    Shit you need:
    Same shit you need as on carp.

    Contact info:
    Skype- SUUP BROOW
    Email- [email protected] (dont laugh at my email ;_
    Or just pm me or post down below(i check this site and the forums atleast once every hour, unless i im in bed nub)

    My vouches

    The (?) after each stat is how many of them ive done, they are changed everytime i finish a service.

    Prices go down abit if lets say you want ult but youre leg, i wont charge much for experience then(maybe wont charge at all if im in a good mood)
    Not doing experiences higher than expert unless you really convince me.
    You do half pay before i start and half pay after im done with my service if you dont have VIP,trusted, or have below 10 posts!
    Last edited by datdudethatwins; 08-15-2012, 04:40 PM. Reason: More info and shit

    Not changing my prices, GTFO and complain in pm


      I guess since you "dont bot", you wouldn't mind doing them over Teamviewer?


        no its no problem, its also says that in the post


          May I ask why you need FO+ in a crew? I'm sorry but that is suspicious, you only need officer to swabbie a ship, and you need FO to sell and take money out of all the ships holds, hmm.


            Originally posted by dscpd View Post
            May I ask why you need FO+ in a crew? I'm sorry but that is suspicious, you only need officer to swabbie a ship, and you need FO to sell and take money out of all the ships holds, hmm.
            Makes it easier if you are an FO, if you are worried about him stealing watch him on TV and record the session, if he does something wrong then report him.

            If you don't like it, it's simple, Don't use his service.


              You need to be FO to put an IO map into a ship thats not yours.So if you do not own a sloop of your own you can take someone elses if you are fleet officer.Otherwise you need officer and IO map + sloop deed.Sorry for the missunderstanding.Im not planning to scam you though, im new to this site yeah but i have some vouches tho

              Edit:Unless you want swabbie idk






                    Bump first ult ordered succesfully completed


                      I want ULT Rumble, can we talk on skype? jordan.kent6


                        Hi I would like narrow/GM or higher on both SF and rumble. So let me know. Ty

                        Edited for grammar and I didn't say both SF and rumble.


                          Originally posted by beautie View Post
                          Hi I would like narrow/GM or higher on both SF and rumble. So let me know. Ty

                          Edited for grammar and I didn't say both SF and rumble.
                          you cant buy service from non existing person :P
                          Vouch Thread


                            Some Moderator needs to close this thread! Me!
                            Last edited by doubleuson; 06-02-2013, 11:47 AM.
                            Retired with no intention of returning. Don't remember me because you won't see me often.

