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Multi-client Bilge Bot

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    Multi-client Bilge Bot

    Its release day again! This time for a Multi-Client Bilge bot. Took the idea from the multi-client poker tool I released last month (link at bottom if interested), co-developed with jak8222 to develop the STRONGEST and FASTEST Bilge bot ever to touch this game. It supports potentially unlimited clients, (we have tested with up to 6 and a Gif showing it's performance across 6 clients AT ONCE can be found below. Also, It's worth pointing out this bot has NOT BEEN NERFED AT ALL - Depth 6 is exactly what I will use in Fam Competitions.


    GIF of 6 Clients Depth 4 -

    We're releasing 3 versions of this bot, due to how broken it can be (especially in blockading). For clarification, If you purchase Unlimited you will have the functionality of Standard AND Premium too. Premium copies will also have Standard functionality:

    Standard - The bot will utilise depth 4, making almost INSTANT moves (9ms per move generation) and will score Incredible, sometimes Excellent. Lower depth allows for more clients to be used as search times are lower. I have tested with 6 at once and have got all incredibles at one point, but with most averaging 60% incred. This will be on sale at $70 per copy.

    Premium - The bot will utilise depth 5, scoring Strong Incredibles and taking around 100ms per move generation per client. This will get ultimate easily across multiple clients. This is the version of the bot we recommend if you're looking for stats, or making the most poe out of blockades. This bot is very strong however use with caution as scoring too high too often could cause suspicion . This will be on sale at $100 per copy. As mentioned above you would also have depth 4 available on this version of the bot.

    Unlimited - This would not only be the strongest bilge bot ever made, but also the strongest bot to ever touch the game across any puzzle. This bot outperforms the strongest private bots, along with some of the best human players ever. It will run at depth 6, taking around 900ms per move generated. The longer search time means less clients are viable, but the performance more than makes up for it. Depth 6 is primarily intended for SINGLE client use and will out bilge almost anyone that isn't using exploits. This will be on sale at $150 per copy due to how insanely overpowered this is. As mentioned previously, you would get depth 5 and also depth 4 with this.

    The time's mentioned above for search time were performed using an Intel I5-7500 CPU @ 3.4GHz with 4 Cores. The more core's you have, the faster these times will be (ie 8 cores = half the time).

    Also, same as the poker tool, each copy will be for 1 PC ONLY to prevent people sharing the bot with their friends without paying. This should be fine as you can have as many YPP clients across one PC as your heart desires.

    Full Feature List:
    -All versions get incredible and Ultimate on 1 or more clients at a time.
    -Premium and Unlimited versions will get #1 with 1 client.
    -Single or Multiclient usage. Auto mouse movement and window switching.
    -CUSTOMISABLE MOUSE SPEED! Play with this at your own risk.
    -Full Diagnostics of Mouse Movement time, click time, move generation time, image detection time
    -Lifetime License
    -The strongest Bilge Bot ever produced.

    Poker tool link -
    Last edited by tskrockers; 05-17-2020, 07:01 PM.

    Hey do you have discord?



      Some optimisations to the bot have increased the search speed by around 33%.

      This will reduce all the search time which have been referenced above, at no cost to search space or evaluation performance

      We are now pushing ~10mil nodes per second, per core.

      (Also a note, for people with extremely powerful machine we're talking 16 cores +, worth messaging about a 7 depth version we'll see what we can do)

      Still message to Ryan.Clark1999 on skype for details.

      Update 2

      7 Depth is now ~ 1.1 seconds, watch this space

      Update 3

      With some tweaks to search scoping 7 depth is between 300-700ms on my 5 year old cpu
      Last edited by jak8222; 05-23-2020, 11:00 AM.


        We also now have a manual mode ready.


          Do not hesitate to purchase this, not only is it insane but the 2 devs are also great people!


            Can vouch for this. Incredible bot if not the best out there. Devs worked very closely with me to fine tune it to my exact needs. Best purchase on this site.


              Version 1.1 Release

              We've been hard at work improving the bot further. The newest version has some great new fixes and changes these include:

              - 10% faster search times
              - Control of the bot through hot-keys
              - Various other bug fixes & QOL changes.

              All current customers have and will continue to receive updates for the lifetime of the bot.


                Come Fourth, Grammar Nazis!


                  Great bot and great people, both devs are very helpful and responsive. Currently in the process of tweaking the bot exactly to my needs. A +

